The following emails are automatically sent to you if you have not submitted content or provided the link to your post in an Influencer brief. This is to ensure everyone is logging into Cohley, checking messages, and aware of deadlines. 

  1. Content due to {{}} in 5 days
    1. This email is sent to any creator daily at 2pm that is part of a brief five days before the content submitted by date, that has not yet submitted content.
  2. Upload your content now for {{}}
    1. This email is sent to any creator daily at 2pm that is part of a brief the day of the content submitted by date, that has not yet submitted content. 
  3. WARNING: Content is late for {{}}
    1. This email is sent to any creator daily at 2pm that is part of a brief 2 days after the content submitted by date, that has not yet submitted content. 

For an influencer brief, if you are awaiting the brand's approval to post, you may ignore this email!