If you are accepted to a brief, these are the emails you will receive during the brief. Please note, it is the Creator's responsibility to stay on top of deadlines and check the platform for any unread messages.

1. Congrats! You've been accepted to BRAND's Brief

This email reminds you to check your messages to see if the brand has asked any follow up questions prior to shipping product. Please make sure your address is correct and update if necessary.

2. Content due to BRAND in 5 days

This email sends you a reminder of the deadline. If you receive this email and still haven't received product, please make sure to let the brand know via Chat. You will not be penalized for being late if you haven't received product yet.

3. WARNING: Content is late for BRAND

Missing the content deadline is a violation of the terms and conditions you agreed to when you applied for the brief. Not submitting content by the brief deadlines will lead to reduced or voided compensation and Cohley account termination. Please contact BRAND in the Cohley chat ASAP to give them an update. It will be up to the brand’s discretion if they’ll accept late content and honor the original compensation terms.

If you've already communicated a new deadline with the brand, and they've approved the extension, you can ignore this email. If you and the brand have decided on a new date to submit content, your account will not be penalized. 

4. Action Required: Upload your content

This will be sent to you if you haven't uploaded your content yet and the brand is requesting it to be uploaded to Cohley.

5. You submitted! Now what?

This is a confirmation that your content has successfully uploaded. If the brand requires a social post, please wait for them to approve the content before you go live. 

6. Action Required: Add post link

Content has been accepted and it's time to post on social. Please do not post without reviewing the chat section first and making sure your caption was approved and includes the correct @ mention and hashtags.

5. That's a Wrap!

The campaign is complete and payment will be sent 30 days from the content due date (If it's a UGC only Brief) OR the content live by date (If it's an Influencer Brief that requires a social post)

6. Check Your Messages

This will be sent to you any time a brand sends you a message in the chat section.